Spread Spectrum Radio Tests

CIRCA 1998 - These two pictures show deployment of the "Tower of Ian" at Charlie Urbanowicz's home. The boys on the tower in the left photo are (L to R) Ian Turnbull, John Kennedy and Skip Frisbee. The guy adjusting the antenna push-up collar in the right photo is Ian Turnbull. We connected Charlie to the campus LAN via a Cylink 512K wireless Ethernet bridge. The tower was fully set-up in three hours and the LAN connection was complete and operational in five hours (total time). The tower gave us 55 feet of height for the semi-parabolic antenna so we could shoot over the trees in the area. The test lasted for four months and was very sucessful, we even ran a five location Mbone session for two weeks over the link (I am afraid Charlie cussed us out pretty good when it came time to remove it!).

This is a picture of the tower deployed at the University Farm. We used both Cylink's 512K radio and Western Multiplex's Lynx Classic full T1 radio. Both systems operate in the 2.4 GHz ISM band and are not required to be licensed by the FCC.