The CSU Chico Radio Site Tour
Now mostly abandoned - 1999
System Layout
Four ITFS transmitter sites are fed via full-duplex, 12 GHz Harris SS12000 FM analog video microwave
from the main classroom/studio at Chico. The ITFS transmission is a 2600 MHz vestigial sideband
television signal which is received by the learning centers via a rooftop dish, then down-converted and
viewed on a standard TV receiver. Audio talk-back is provided via radio response channels back to the
ITFS transmitter site and then returned to Chico via a six channel frequency division multiplex subcarrier
system on the microwave. Some of the 12 GHz transmission legs use multiple hops before reaching the
ITFS transmitter terminal. In addition, two translators are used to receive and retransmit the ITFS signal for
extended coverage.